I feel like I’ve been in school for a month, despite the fact that it’s only been a mere seven days. That’s always the case though, the beginning feels long and suddenly two seconds later it’s the end. My friend once sent me a birthday card that said the first twenty years of life are the longest, which made me incredibly sad because I had just turned nineteen and thus, only had one more year until everything would start moving ten speed. However, as much as I wish it wasn’t, that statement is so very true. I’ve already been here for over a month, school has started, and I’ve started to worry about final exams. I know I’m getting ahead of myself, but the thought of having to memorize recipes and execute them under time and pressure makes me nervous. Actually, just being in the kitchen with a short tempered chef makes me nervous (and stressed), so maybe I should think about getting over that before thinking about exams.