Now this is what superior cuisine is all about. The ateliers, or workshops, are longer practical classes in which we create our own recipes with a given ingredient list. Some of those ingredients are obligatory and others optional. During the term we have three ateliers, the last one being a practice for the final exam. Each atelier consisted of a different ingredient list and a different set of parameters. Although they were a bit stressful, I actually had a lot of fun planning and performing the ateliers. Not everything I made was successful, but it was a learning process and one that challenged us in a way that we were never before (including in patisserie). I think the most interesting part was seeing the variety of ideas and plates everyone produced. The ingredient list isn’t very long, so it was amazing to see how unique each dish was. It made me realize how personal and reflective cooking can be. Through each person’s plate you could see one’s character, aesthetics, and sometimes even personal history. Really, quite fascinating.